
Being a storyteller means sharing the personal and other essential pieces of one’s essence that touches the senses.  It means being alive to the phenomenological field in which you live—both culturally and collectively.  I believe this is the essence of the mythopoetic and true myth-making. Each poem, each prose writing comes from inside and moves forward in a way that is like the individual’s  finger-print.  It belongs to the creative expressive self that is the writer. Exceptionally unique.

Depthwriting, creating, using language and images from within speaks from the soul of who we are and the sharing completes a sacred circle of engagement.

This engagement can have a focus while it brings the writer and the reader into new places of discovery in the psyche.  

"Writing has been present in my life since early on.  In Kindergarten, the first days of learning how to write my name.  The interest and  excitement of seeing my hand create something that belonged to me.  My own name.  We want and need to belong to ourselves in ways that matter.  Writing, and in this way creating a life worth living, is one path that the inner voice uses for deepening consciousness." 

~ Fanny Brewster


The most engaging moments in life are being in conversation with another.  The work that I do encourages and supports us in creating moments of potentiality for change and transformation.  Talking to others and sharing ideas, hopes and joys with them, listening together weave unseen patterns of creating a depthfulness with others on an unconscious level as well as on the surface.

My work is for those in structured and fluid organizations that seek change from within.  The leaders of these communities seek change and wish to have open, vulnerable and caring conversations shared within their community.  Most often these conversations connect the difficult ones involving diversity, equity and inclusion.  Issues of intergenerational racial experiences at the individual and company levels. Invitations for conversations allow for the possibility of discussion, change and shifts in consciousness fostering good will.

The Depthwriting Workshop

Joining with others in the sacred circle of writing is a most powerful experience.  We build community founded on a voice of care, vulnerability and creativity.  The work of writing together and listening to each other offers support and compassion while traveling with those like yourself.  Whether you are a writer of poetry, prose, fiction, journaling, you are welcome to bring your interest and curiosity to a circle of writers.

An invitation to be in the Imaginal.

"What was brought forward into consciousness in those childhood days of the first learning how to read and write letters was the transmission from these early nun/mothers that learning about everything was possible.  This was the most important part of that education—that I could have an appreciation for all learning. Everything was possible.  All learning was possible. This became the foundation of my childhood experiences those first days in a kindergarten class." 

~ Fanny Brewster

On being wanted


Like water that flows into the body quenching the thirst that you never knew could be so great

May you be wanted like that.

Like bright grass newly birthed from the earths soft womb and pushed forth into meadows of yellow daffodils amongst the flowers

May you be wanted like that 

And like the moment you yourself arrived delivered into arms of love and worship

May you remain this being of desire

Through your lifetime. 

May you always know that you are wanted.

  ~Fanny Brewster





Join a small group Sacred Circle for increased self-reflection and a movement to more inner peace and resolution of old issues of trauma, depression, and anxiety.






Develop your creativity as a writer by becoming a member of our DepthWriting Community. DreamWriting is an aspect of one specific circle. Part of the time is spent on Dreamwork and additional time is used creating writing that emerges from the dreams.




This circle allows you to explore ethnic images deepening your understanding of words and images different from your own cultural life, support a rich dreamlife free of anxiety and sleeplessness, help you develop a relationship with your own dream images.




~The Inner Voice: Creativity and the Self ~